Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Eve Before New Year's Eve

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. You know what that means, time to look back upon 2009 and make a new list of goals. To kick start my year I'm going to join the YWCA. I think I can afford it. It's right across the street from Grace, so when it gets warm I can ride my bike to work, go across the street and shower, and then work. That might be worth the year membership.

So far I've been to the gym twice (I have a two week pass and no enrollment fees!). I've used the elliptical and today I ran 2.0 miles! Okay, it was a slow 2 miles at a 12:00 pace, but I still did it. I'm considering running the Green Bay Cellcom Marathon for charity. I have 400 friends on Facebook and if each gave $1 I would raise $400! All I have to do is raise $250. I know a marathon is for crazy people, but I must do one once in my life, so why not now when I have all this free time. There is a free training group that meets at the mall (across the street) on Saturdays for long runs, so I really have no excuse. Look for my web page soon.

My exercise plan for tomorrow is going to be a sad attempt at swimming. Lessons to follow this year. I think I might like the YWCA because it's mainly for women...and I need to meet more women and get some friends. I might take up Yoga in the morning.

I really need to make some friends here :(

I'm looking forward to spring. My parents bought me a bike for Christmas. I just wanted a cheap used one, but I got a new one. It has a rack on the back so I can attach a milk crate. Then I can go to the grocery store and the farmers market on my bike! I'm going to be so green this year!

Now, if I can just keep up with my bills...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

Today Facebook was full of messages about Christmas being over, but Christmas is not over, it's only just begun. Christmas is a full 12 days starting the 25 of December. I like to celebrate the whole season, but then again, I also celebrate my birthday for the full month of October.

My family has our own traditions for Christmas Eve. We eat a chicken dinner, open a couple presents, and then play a family game. This year we played Bananagrams and then, Beatles Trivial Pursuit (Dad won). Christmas morning we open presents and then head to my Aunt Debbie's for the afternoon.

This year our dog was really excited about Christmas. She was up before everyone else and so excited that she chased her tail waiting to open her present. I don't understand how she knew, but she did. My parents spoil us at Christmas. I now have casserole dishes and a new bicycle that I'm wondering how I'm going to get in my car back to Green Bay. For Christmas I knitted each family member a hat.

Today my family has just hung around the house. We've been playing Wii and watching movies. This evening Timothy and mom played bass guitar and drums. Dad and I played Wii Sports. One of the Miis is Jesus, and we learned that Jesus never makes errors. I think there is a sermon in there somewhere. I'm heading back to Green Bay on Monday morning. In the meantime my mom and I are sitting here with laptops playing each other in scrabble.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Shhsh! I'm Trying to Listen.

I have a question, and maybe you have this question, too. When did it become okay to constantly talk in church? I'm not talking about the occasional comment or question. I'm guilty of learning over during a sermon and asking Erik where he'd like to go for lunch. I've made a comment or joke during church. I've told Anita her hot chocolate smells delicious. But I have not had a full conversation about whose driving where, are we staying for dinner, and where are the car keys during the sermon.

Last night was the Christmas program and these Grandparents were talking while the Genesis choir was singing. They were sitting right next to me, the one directing the Christmas Program, and talking about the rest of the evening. I thought it was so rude. The Genesis Choir is a special choir in which the kids join and practice once a week. They do more difficult music. I really wanted to say, "Do you mind, I'm trying to listen to the Genesis Choir."

I'm not just talking about last night, but it happens all the time, not just in my church but also in Erik's. I've heard people having conversations during the sermon. I've seen more then once a parent talking to a kid who is at least in 4th or 5th grade during the prayers of the day. I've seen parents keep their screaming kid in the sanctuary during the whole sermon.

I'm also annoyed with parents that let their kids sit during the prayers and gospel reading. I don't think a four year old is to young to say to "this is the part where we stand sweetie." Kids get it. Let them stand and color, but teach them and instruct them. If your kids start talking to you, say to them "Not now, we are praying." Why is this so hard????

And really, what can I do? I feel like I can't turn around and glare at people in my own church, they hired me. I suppose I will just have to get all my frustrations out over at Erik's church. Next time you start talking to your 5th Grade son about Packers Offensive line during Erik's sermon, beware!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


My new goal is to get out of bed by 7am regardless if I have anything to do. This will be difficult. Today I got up at 6am. I joined Erik for Bible Study at Denny's. Although I'm not too sure what we learned, but needless to say I enjoyed the company and conversation. We are reading about David and this is what I have learned: The story of David's Life is really long! It's alway full of war, no wonder I stopped reading the Bible when I got to 1 Samuel. Such is life.

I had a staff meeting this morning. I get to teach the world religions class for Confirmation!! I have lots of ideas. I'm also working on getting in touch with our contact for the New York Mission Trip. And I came up with an idea of doing something fun/educational for Family Night. And lastly, I'm looking into a fun night at the Green Bay Curling Club for the congregation.

After lunch and a quick trip to the post office, I went to the mall. After living in Minnesota for the last three years, this mall seems very tiny. Thankfully it has most of the stores I shop at, if I shop at the mall. I found some pretty amazing deals, but of course not what I was looking for. And lots of Packers stuff. If you need Packer stuff, let me know, I can get it for you. I might get Erik some Packer stuff. They had this $40 bucket with glasses for half-off. If they still have it after payday I will pick it up. I did find my dad something that's going to be a big surprise. All I can tell you is that it's purple.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Trista

Today I got to visit with a 98 year-old woman that had great skin, but would not share the secret with me. I got to visit a couple old ladies, and they all told me that they had worked hard and were just waiting for death.


Today is my sister's birthday. She would have been 26. It's been 8 years since she has passed away. My family and friends tend to remember the day that she died. I usually get a phone call on November 20th or a couple text messages saying someone is thinking of me. In truth, I always forget the 20th. It's just another day to me. The day my sister's life ended is not the important day. The day that matters is the day that she entered my life, December 15, 1983.

It's our life on earth that matters more then how we leave this life. While we have an after life in heaven (Thanks be to God) how we remember one is by how they lived. So I often wonder why we don't remember on this day, the day she entered our lives. Or maybe we do, and no one wants to talk about it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snowed In

Crisis has reached my tiny apartment. I am down to two eggs, which makes baking hard. I think I have enough butter in the tub for a batch of sugar cookies. Otherwise today will be a day of knitting. So much for my idea of making homemade chicken and noodles for dinner.

I did make some homemade cinnamon rolls like my mom makes every year. I made them a little different from my mom, at least when it comes to shape. I think it's funny how as a little kid making Christmas Candy and cookies was such a process. Perhaps it was for my mom who doesn't really bake or cook, but for me it seems to take no time or talent at all to whip some yummy dessert up. I am blessed.

We have eleven inches of snow so far. There is a nice little pile on my porch I've considered making into a mini snowman. Nearly everything in Green Bay is closed. The city buses having even stopped running. I guess it's blowing pretty bad. I parked in the garage last night, so I don't have to dig out my car, but I'm betting there is some snow in front of my garage. Erik took my shovel out of my car during Thanksgiving Break so we would have more room in the trunk, so it is currently still in his garage.

My plan today is mostly to knit and watch movies/TV. I wish I had cable. I'm almost done with Erik's present, so then I can work on Timothy's birthday present or the prayer shawl I'm making. I wish Erik would have just took the day off and we could eat fudge all day and play Risk.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let it Snow!

I'm ready for snow, sugar cookies, cinnamon rolls, mugs of hot cocoa (with schnapps), Christmas music written by secular Jews, and wrapping presents. Today we had some snow flurries. I went with Erik to help him pick out some stuff for the Christmas tree. His face lit up like a little kid going down the aisles picking out wrapping paper and ornaments for the tree. It was cute.

I've been working on his present. Of course I'm knitting it. I was almost half-way done with I realized it was too big, so I took the whole thing apart and am starting over. I've knitted everyone in my family something. My brother wanted a sweater vest, but I'm learning sweaters are very hard. I think maybe for his birthday. I'm also trying to knit my first prayer shawl. That is a lot harder then I thought. To sit in silence and pray while I knit and not have my thoughts drift off is so hard. (I do spend a lot of time thinking of other people to knit for). I hope my prayer shawl does whatever pray shawls are suppose to do. Yesterday I prayed to Beatles lyrics. I think the phrases "Let it Be" and "All you need is Love" can be prayed, but that's another post for another time.

Tonight I have curling. I actually don't care for the women's league, at least so far. I like curling in the couple's league the best, because it's fun to curl with Erik and meet other couples. I actually have a strong desire to stay home and make Christmas candy or knit. I attempted to make peanut butter fudge with the stuff I had. I was short some marshmallows, so I'm hoping it still turns out. I'll still eat it. The problem is I don't have many people to bake for. I'm thinking I might break down and actually go grocery shopping on Saturday (even if it's not double coupon day) and get the rest of my Christmas stuff.

I've decided the confirmation kids are getting an interfaith lesson on Hanukkah. I found the dreidels, so we'll play that game and maybe read some Maccabees. Were also going to talk about how Jews became Christians. This all came to me on Tuesday when someone during the Women's Bible study asked me when Christians became Christians, and was Jesus a Christian. Time to educate and eat candy.

I love my job.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How to Spell Loneliness

On Tuesdays I volunteer at Woodside Lutheran Home. I decided to do this for many reasons. To build my resume. Because I kept hearing stories about lonely old people. Because I am lonely. To learn more about ministry. And because Jesus told us to take care of the widow.

Volunteering is really easy. You just go to the rooms, ask the resident if they want to come to the activity, and then wheel them down to the activity room. Actually, it's kind been boring so far. Today was better. We had a cooking class so I actually had more to do then wheel people around. I got to help them cook and there was time to talk. The residents are also starting to recognize me. Next week I get to play games with the residents. I'm excited for that. Part of the reason I volunteered was so someone would play scrabble with me.

I'm currently playing scrabble with my mom on facebook. However, she is trying to cook dinner at the same time, so it's a slow game.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Sunday afternoons are made for naps. My routine after church is to watch the Packers and eat pizza, and then fall asleep in the chair or stretch out on the couch. The Packers played Thursday, so I spent the afternoon in bed napping. I was so tired after the last few days. Family and holidays are exhausting.

Erik and I drove to Kenosha on Wednesday afternoon. We spent Thanksgiving Day with his aunt and cousins, then got in the car and drove down to Illinois to spend time with my family. We had around 40 people show up to my parents. And we had too much food. I think I made the best mash potatoes ever, although nobody said so. I feel like my time got cut short with my family. I didn't get a chance to play games or really talk to everyone, and poor Erik was so overwhelmed with people (He hasn't had a day to himself for at least two weeks).

Needless to say, it was good to see my family and my friends. It amazes me that after ten years I'm still friends with people from high school, and not because I still live in the area, but because those people are important to me and I make the effort to keep them in my life.

I feel a bit guilty because I don't see my family that often and I am the one that moved away. I try to keep in mind that my life might be intended for something that goes beyond my own thinking. I get very frustrated with the amount of people I know that in just the last year have gotten engaged or popped out a child. There's always that feeling that maybe I did something wrong on my journey and the lectures from family about "when are you going to settle down" get very old. It's not that settling down and having a family aren't important to me, it just hasn't happened.

Other things have happened. And while I don't think everything little thing we do is part of God's great grand plan, I do believe that maybe my singleness is about something a little bit bigger then 2.5 children and a two car garage (Don't get me started on how I hate that Americans have bigger garages then most people have houses).

The holidays are upon us, and I have many things to do in the coming weeks. I'm just going to have to remind myself of what is truly important over the next couple weeks. Yep, it's time to remember that being human isn't so bad. That we all came from the same Creator and were made in Their image. That God became human. That He came down to help us out and save us from ourselves. And someday, He's going to come back...or maybe She.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I'm waiting for Erik to get done at church so we can drive up North and pick up Toby. Toby went to Grandma Betty's in Door County while Erik was away. We have to get him because I insist that Toby comes to my house for Thanksgiving. Plus, we both really miss him.

All I have done this morning was watch TV, knit, and read a little. Last night Erik and I had curling. I rather enjoy the couple's league better then the women's league. I played with all men last year, so it's not intimidating to play on a co-ed team. We actually did pretty well and Erik and I get to sweep together most of the time. Afterwards we had a couple beers and talked. Two beers makes me a little too giddy, so Erik ended up driving my car and dropping me off at home. So even if I had work to do, I have no car to drive into work. I think I'll go tomorrow. I'm suppose to volunteer, but I'll have to call and say I can't make it. I don't know what time we will be getting back tomorrow anyway.

Erik's dad and aunt were here this past weekend, so I've gotten very little time to hog him to myself since he's gotten back from his trip. We all went out for dinner a couple times and Erik took his dad to the game yesterday. I came home after my youth board meeting and sleep on the couch.

I put up my Christmas decorations on Saturday, including my Hanukkah Tree. Well, it could also be an advent tree, it's silver and blue. I found my dreidels so the confirmation kids will have to play the dreidels game.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Rainy Thursday

After many days of sunshine and warm weather, we finally got rain. I'm trying to find the motivation to go into work today. I really should check my email, write-up a letter, and see what is on my to-do list, but with only 18 hours a week; spreading it out gets kind of hard. I really just want to spend all day in my PJs and read Wicked.

I've been getting a lot of compliments about my confirmation class. They are benefiting from a lectionary based curriculum. Maybe that is what teenagers need to do, hear the text more then once. Well, we all do. I live with an irrational fear that I might teach the wrong thing regarding the text. I suppose that is where the Holy Spirit comes into play.

You'd think doing so well would take the pressure off, but there is still pressure to keep up with myself. And then there's the Christmas Program! I'm just putting this is good faith that it all comes together.

Erik is back from Israel. I really missed him while he was gone. It was very lonely here. Tonight he going to get Toby from Grandma Betty's House, so we'll all be back together. He brought me a beautiful nativity set from Bethlehem. It was suppose to be a Christmas Present, but I was eager to see what was in the box and he wanted to make sure it was all in one piece. I can't wait to bring it to my house. I'm anxious to put up the Christmas decorations. We get to decorate my house and Erik's. I think we are going to go cut down a tree. I hope it snows, because Toby will look so cute jumping through the snow and peeing on trees.

Friday, November 13, 2009

And I live in a small town...

This morning I walked down to my local library to check my email, etc. So here I am, blogging! I'm trying not to drive my car so much, which is harder to do in a small city. Seriously, Green Bay is small.

This is how small the Green Bay/Lutheran World is here. I have decided to volunteer at the Nursing Home that is right next door. I figured I have the time, and now that I work in the church, I hear more about how lonely old people are. So I've decided to try to listen to Jesus better, and take care of the widow (and widower).

At the volunteer orientation I meet two older ladies that also decided to volunteer. One lady is a quilter at Calvary. She recognized me, and I explained who I was, and then she remembered I brought in an awesome cake.

Now the other lady, Joan, just happens to be friends with Erik's grandmother Betty. She even gave me some old theology books. Her son is in my confirmation class. And Green Bay is official home, because I ran into Joan at Copps on Wednesday. I think she is my first friend.

I think it's amazing how the Lutheran Church is so small and connected here. It makes it easier to be new and have a place where I fit. On the other, I have to watch my behavior and what I say a little bit closer.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm Alive!

One of these days when I'm rich or all my credit card, student loan, and car debt is paid off, I will get myself some Internet in my apartment (and maybe cable). But that day is not here yet. Someday, but not today. So until then, I'll will have to make a better effort to blog at work or steal Erik's laptop and go to the coffee shop.

Life suddenly happened and I am a busy lady. Here's my average week summed up.
Monday- Work in Morning, Afternoon Walk, Watch Big Bang Theory
Tuesday- Work, then Volunteer at Lutheran Woodside Nursing Home
Wednesday- 6:45AM Bible study with Erik at Dennys!, Staff Meeting, Confirmation
Thursday-Lunch with Erik and Curling!
Friday and Saturday-Sabbath!
Sunday-Sunday School, Worship, Packers, then Couple's Curling

So I officially have a life in Green Bay. I'm making some friends through curling and hopefully volunteering. My position here at Grace is most likely going to expand. (Super Hurray!) I'm pretty busy at church with Confirmation, Sunday School, and now the Christmas Program. I finally found a position in life where I get to teach, plan, organize, and talk about God! I'm even sort of active in Erik's church (I get to lead the morning Bible Study while he's gone. It was cute, the old men moved their chairs to sit closer to me).

I am actually considering going back to Seminary and getting my MDIV, but I want to work here for at least a full year to gain more experience in the church. This is great place to learn. I get to throw out ideas and they give me things to learn. I am still waiting for that you-should-have-done-this-instead moment. I think I'm even getting to go on the Mission Trip to NYC! (I'll get to teach the kids to ride the subway, oh public transportation, I miss you so!)

Well time to go to Copps (Erik always says there should be store next to it called Robbers, he is silly) and get some groceries. I'll wave to Lambeau for you Packers fans as I drive by.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bored and Unispired

I wish I could be more positive. Life isn't as bad as I feel it is sometimes. Something just seems missing...I know, friends! I am lonely. Curling does start this Thursday, so hopefully soon I will make some friends. Erik is going to be gone all weekend for a mini-mission trip. It's hard to watch him be so busy and not be a part of much of it. I wish I could go on the trip and visit Redeemer, but I have work and curling. He's gone some next week, and the following week he is in Israel.

So that means a lot of time to myself. I am trying to be happy and not bitter about life, but I tend to be a very bitter person. There is no confirmation this week, so I'm not very motivated. Ask me what I've done most of the day, and I'll tell you play on the Internet. Perhaps I'll go for a walk. I wonder if there are any nice parks around Green Bay.

Monday, October 26, 2009


My birthday this year was not as exciting as last year. It was kind of a downer. I guess that is what happens when you get older.

Friday night Kate and Grant came over for dinner and games. It was a lot of fun. They brought Crazy Llama wine and we played Euchre. Dinner was very yummy. Erik made Lasagna and I made minestrone soup.

For my actual birthday I got a couple phone calls and a couple cards. Erik gave me some flowers and a milkshake maker. He was attempting to make a joke because a few weeks ago I broke his blender while trying to make malts. His blender literally busted apart and was everywhere in the kitchen. I didn't the joke and have no idea what to do with the thing because he's the one that is obsessed with milkshakes, not me. We went for dinner in Appleton to one of those Japanese places that cook the food in front of you. I'd been to one before and enjoyed it. The guy wasn't as great of a cook as the guy I'd seen before, and for some reason I didn't enjoy the food. Too many mushrooms and onions. I think next year I'll just go out for pizza.

Sunday was good, I think. I tried to teach 1-4th graders about the Reformation, but during the children's sermon not one kid spoke up to say what today was. I got to be the reader in church, so that was fun. Romans 3 finally clicked for me. I know I had heard it a million times and taught on it, but I was yet to just read it and get it without completely breaking it down. Yipee! 20th times the charm.

So all in all that is my weekend. I wish I was in a better mood. I just feel kind of let down my life this week. Well, perhaps I should work.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time Flies...When you are getting old

It's really hard to remember to blog when you don't have Internet. Okay, lame excuse.

My birthday is coming up this weekend. Usually I make a big fuss about it the whole month, but with work and Erik kind of being my only close friend, there is no big gathering this year. Okay, that's not entirely true. Grant and Kate are coming over for dinner and probably games. It is nice to have another couple in the area.

So that is just one big event this weekend, my 28th? birthday. Tomorrow night is confirmation and we are going to learn a little bit about the Reformation. We are also going to do as Luther did and read Romans. We'll see how that goes. There are lots of hard words. I was torn between John and Romans, but Luther based his theology on Romans, so Romans wins.

I think for Sunday School there will be a little Reformation party. I wonder where I can find an old door? Me and my crazy ideas.

Last week was the Bible Class for Third Graders. It went well. The kids and parents were engaged. It was fun, and I really think they learned. I know they were very excited to get their bibles on Sunday.

So that is life in the church. I believe curling starts in two weeks. Hurray, I'll have friends. Oh, and I decided against Panera, after calling Anita to learn to make cheesy goodness (maybe we'll eat it for my birthday) I decided it wasn't a good idea. I think I will wait until after Christmas when I have no more obligations to find a job. I really like my flexible schedule, and with Christmas coming up, I need more time.

Well, time to go home and knit.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Yesterday I decided to fast. It wasn't that hard; I made it 24 hours. It's been awhile since I had done that, and it felt pretty good. I was actually able to focus more at work because I knew there was no sense in going home for lunch. I probably should fast more often. It's one thing to work with and for God's word, it's another to live it.

Today Erik and I went to Chili's for the 2 for 20 deal. We had nachos, ribs, burgers and fries, and a yummy chocolate chip cookie bar with ice cream all for $20.

I actually worked all day. I'm working on a three hour class that introduces third graders to the Bible. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing, but basically I'm running through the entire Old and New Testament giving an overview of the most important stories, then doing a little 45 minute session on actually using your Bible. I think that's the most important; how to find your Bible and make it your friend. Needless to say I spent a lot of time using the scanner today for an exciting presentation. I hope the kids have fun and remember it. If learning about the Bible is engaging, then I've been successful.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ordinary Time

Yesterday Erik and I went to Kate and Grant's for dinner in Seymour. Did you know Seymour is the home of the Hamburger? I did not until yesterday. We ate pizza, and I tried a Seymour Soda. It was pure sugar. I was getting a pretty good buzz from it. We also played Risk. Grant and I declared world peace. I love that game. I think it's because I have yet to win, yet I never get completely destroyed either. I love a challenge and having to figure stuff out.

This last week was the Packer's bye week, so that meant longer church services. My church had confirmation, so I decided I would swing over to Calvary for a shorter service (wrong- two baptisms) and Piggy Breakfast (Pancakes and Sausage).

This weekend I'm teaching the Third Grade Introduction to the Bible Class. What a mouthful! I have to give them an overview of the Bible in three hours and teach them how to use their bibles. I've been planning this for the last week or so. So far I've got the Old Testament and how to use your Bible part done. The real question: How much Jesus do you include? I hope it will be fun and memorable.

Confirmation this week will be more low key. We're going to read the Servant Song (Isaiah 53) and then play Jeopardy. I figure the servant song is pretty hard to swallow, so we wouldn't spend a lot of time on it. The important part is being aware of it.

In the meantime I got a part-time job at Panera. Not sure how I'm going to like it. So far all I've done is filled out paperwork toured the place. Panera has such a strict dress code. I'm not sure how I feel about that. While I doubt I will dye my hair pink or pierce my nose, I wonder why I can't paint my nails pink or red. So we will see. I do need a second job.

Erik's coming over soon (finally! ever since he got that huge TV he never leaves the house) and we're going to watch The Big Bang Theory.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy Birthday October!

It's really hard to blog when you don't have the Internet. Although that could be changing soon. I recently got hired at Panera, so I now have a second job. Yipee! The stress of my student loans is disappearing. Hopefully I will be able to save up some money. I really want to take a trip soon.

Confirmation is still going well. I can't believe I love something this much. You can not begin to believe the high I have after class. I go home and think about scripture the whole night. And this Wednesday, wow. I amazed myself. We were talking about Mark 10:17, the whole camel through the needle nothing is impossible with God thing. Well, you'd think the whole verse was about material possessions and giving to the poor, but would you believe that I decided that the whole point was about salvation. I know, I fed those kids the gospel. I felt like Emeril "BAM- Jesus died for you! That's what he means when he says with God it's possible."

I've decided I truly am in the right place and am a total biblical nerd. I love it because each week I am learning and being challenged, and I get to use my gifts. I really wonder what will com out of this job. While I love it, I've recognized it as a bridge to something else. A pastor? A youth director? A deaconess? A professor? I believe God only knows.

So I'm fired up for the weeks to come. I wish we had more then an hour. Oh the things we would do. Next week we are going to read the suffering servant from Isaiah. I don't know if I can find a clever song of movie, but I really think the kids should know this chapter. I mean, it was only last week in Bible study some elderly lady asked me where in the Old Testament it said Jesus would do all this dying and rising stuff.

Well, tonight is a board meeting. Next week I'm also teaching an intro to the Bible class for third graders. Any ideas out there? So far I think my props for the creation story already rock. Maybe I'll bring in Toby.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Each week I teach a lesson based on a text from the lectionary. This week I picked Genesis 2:18-24. I decided this was better then Jesus' teaching on divorce or let the little child come to me (perfect for Sunday School). The best part was that I could talk about Hebrew and fun Old Testament. The downer, marriage.

It was actually pretty fun, besides the whole technical problems I had and my nervousness about the Pastor sitting in on my lesson. The kids had some good ideas and questions. The bottom line is, they learned that men and women are equal partners and we were made for companionship.

I'm actually loving this teaching thing. I have the freedom to teach what I want, and at the same time, I'm keeping in mind my goals. After every night I drive home thinking about what I did that went well, and what could have went better. How do I get kids to talk? How do I get adults to talk?

In the meantime, how do I keep everyone off my back about the whole marriage thing. I went home last weekend and both my grandma and my mother asked when I'm going to marry Erik. Like I know! Then they told me how I'll regret not getting married and having children (at this I quoted Paul-HA!). Then as I was planning this lesson, it seemed even God was on my case this week. And just when I thought I was in the clear, Facebook told me that this year I will get married. Hmmm.

I don't mind the idea of marriage. I think it can be a positive thing, but I really think we need to lift up those who are single and chose to be single. I think people need to take the pressure off me. They need to give up the idea that if I get married there will be a big wedding and lots of babies. Not going to happen (try extremely small private ceremony or eloping at the court house).

So that is my two cents. I love Erik very much, and I could see him being a great partner, but I think now it the time to get to know each other (especially while we live in the same town).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Into the Great Wide Open

Tonight was my second night of teaching "confirmation." I think it went well. I wrote my lesson plan, I found a movie clip, and I even made a power point. I think I also stuttered less. Hurray for me!

In general, life is swell. I still need to make some friends, and get out there. I have an interview for a second job and I'm trying to get a hold of the Green Bay Curling Club to start curling.

Erik bought a new TV, so Sundays are 37" more HD fun. We both feel asleep during the second football game. I surprised him on Sunday by picking up Godfather's Pizza on my way over.

In the meantime, I'm thinking about life, making plans for the future, looking for a second job. I have an interview on Monday at Panera (could be fun). In the two years I want to go to Israel and run a marathon. I've also been thinking about becoming a missionary and spending a couple years in Africa. I feel the future is wide open.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Love Minus Zero –No Limit

Tonight was my first night teaching “confirmation.” I think I did okay. This Bob Dylan lyric comes to mind: “there is no success like failure, and failure is no success at all.”

I really felt like I was struggling tonight in my lesson, but the good thing is that I am aware of my struggles and what I need to know better. We learn from failure, and from that we become successful.

I think the struggle is going to be getting the kids talking and excited. Despite just wanting to get my lesson done and over with, I went home with a feeling of excitement for next week. I am excited to research and plan a lesson for the text next week. I am excited to improve. And therefore that makes me feel like I am in the right place.

Today I was feeling like such a failure. What have I accomplished? How do we measure one’s worth? Maybe I should have listened to my own lesson. I am teaching God’s word. That is what I am called to do…and this I should not doubt.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Bountiful Weekend

Yesterday Erik had a surprised for me. I had no idea what it was. I had ruled out movie because we had to be somewhere around 3:00 and there were no movies playing at that time. I thought maybe he was taking me to something at Lambeau Field, and then he drove past it saying “We’re not going there.” I was still confused when he pulled into the drive of our destination. The Spa! He took me to go get a couples’ massage at the spa. I was very surprise. When they ladies asked why we were there, he told them “Because she keeps wanting me to give her a massage.” Very thoughtful.

This morning I went to the Farmer’s Market, and you wouldn’t believe the bounty I got for around $10. Carrots, peaches, ½ dozen ears of corn, broccoli, tomatoes, honey, green beans, a green pepper, and an eggplant. I spent this morning getting it ready to freeze. I think I’m set for the winter. I have so many veggies in my freezer. I absolutely love the famer’s market. Whatever took me so long to go? It’s cheap and I get to support local farmers. I try to buy a little something from every stand and I’m starting to get to know each stand.

This weekend is Rally Sunday, for those non-Lutherans, this is where we kick off Sunday School. I think only the Lutheran Church calls it Rally Sunday. I don’t remember when I was little every having any big kick-off day. We are not doing anything too big, but having cookies, making crafts, and even having an out of season Easter Egg hunt to celebrate the Gospel. I hope it goes well. I’m also being installed at the Parish Educator, so I have to go to every service. It’s been a busy week, orientation, meetings, church…I don’t think I’ll get to hear Erik preach this week.

Tomorrow is the big first home regular season football game. I kid you not, I saw people tailgating today. Things are very festive around Lambeau. People are putting up tents and inflatables. Erik and I plan on eating frozen pizza and watching the game at my house, although my TV is about to go. I went to Best Buy to look for a new TV, but they are really expensive and all flat screens. I think we are going to make a trip to the Pawn Shop this week.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How to feed 5,000 or 4

One of my most favorite things to do in the whole wide world is to throw a party. I love to feed people. Any excuse to get in the kitchen and bake something makes my day. For Labor Day Erik and I had Grant and Kate over to his place. Grant is interning near Green Bay. Erik, of all people, was the one to go overboard on the food. I had made brownies, but Erik insisted that we get ice cream and an Oreo no-bake dessert. We also had brats, corn, watermelon, strawberries, and home-made mac’n’cheese. We were all stuffed. We didn’t even get to cutting open the watermelon. Not to mention Erik and I had bought some Shock Top, Spotted Cow, and Mike’s Hard Lemonade. It was a good time, even if the boys won at Trivial Pursuit.

In the meantime, I find myself suddenly stress about the 16 hours a week I work. I keep thinking I’m not working hard enough. Is this life in the church? There is so much more I could be doing. Rally Sunday is this Sunday and I don’t even think I planned anything cool. That’s right, I’m worried about being cool. I teach my first adult/confirmation class next Wednesday. I’m a bit nervous about that. Our curriculum has not come in. I’m sure it will be all right. I’m learning to trust.

Which should be a new paragraph…

Trust. Why is it so hard to trust God? You’d think I could trust the man (or more likely woman) that created me in my mother’s womb. But no, I constantly question how I found myself in this position. Even though I feel very comfortable at Grace, and love the people I’m surrounded with, I still wonder how did I of all people end up working at a church. I have an office in a church…and I’m dating an intern pastor.

I don’t think I’ll ever get over these things. I don’t think I’ll ever understand why I’ve been constantly drawn to the mysteries that surround religion and church buildings.
But see, this is why I need to trust.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Making Muffins in a Little Lutheran World

Erik asked me to make him muffins as a thank you for the quilters at Calvary. He was going to pass them off as his own, but during my Bible study it somehow came up that I was dating the intern at Calvary (or more so, the Intern at Calvary was dating a girl who worked at Grace). I told the women at Bible study that I was making the muffins for him, so now he can’t pretend they are his own.

Because I have learned it’s a Little Lutheran World After All.

To be fair to Erik, he did remember to bring me some bananas and he did stir the batter for the banana muffins.
And to be fair to me, I love baking. I would be happy in a bakery. I love feeding people -literally. So it’s no surprise that I made chocolate chip, oatmeal, and blueberry muffins as well. I hope they all turn out well. I am taking some to my staff meeting tomorrow.

In the meantime I’m constantly in prayer with God hoping for a successful year of Sunday school. I have a growing to do list and am constantly thinking about what I am planning. Who knew 16 hours a week could be soo much work?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pastor Shirts and Affectionate Girlfriends

I have yet to understand what path I wondered down to find working as a Parish Educator and dating an Intern Pastor. God never ceases to amaze me, keep me on my toes, and humor me.

Wednesday night Erik picked me up and we went to the grocery store to prepare for dinner. Erik had bought an Asian cookbook and since I’m so picky when it comes to Asian food, I was to pick out a recipe I would like for us to cook together. Erik had picked me up after he had gotten off work at the church, so he was still wearing what I call his “pastor shirt.” When he’s wearing his shirt I like to refer to him as “Pastor Erik” even if he is not an ordained pastor (priesthood of all believers!).

As we walked up and down the aisles at Copps I wondered if I should act different since he was wearing his special shirt. I’m pretty touchy feeling and we’re one of those sad little couples that are always calling each other “honey” and “baby.” (This started as a joke and kind of stuck).

This morning I went to both my church and Erik’s church. Erik was getting commissioned and I wanted to watch him “in-action.” Even though I had asked him several times what time the service was, he didn’t notice me. I had snuck through the other door and avoided him. I was afraid he might get nervous if I was there. The service was nice. The quilters gave him a beautiful quilt and afterwards I got to talk to Erik and Pastor Earl. I think next week I’ll go when he gives the sermon. Calvary has a contemporary service on Saturdays and I could use a little upbeat worship.

After that service I went to Grace to worship. I have yet to figure out if I should be introducing myself to people or exactly how to go about doing things. I’m shy to begin with. I’m glad I like the worship service at Grace. I thought I’d feel like a stranger and lost during worship, but for some reason I strangely feel at home. Even though I have yet to meet many people or make friends, I feel like I was called to the right spot.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I found out yesterday that one of my friends lost his internship site because that church has left the ELCA. What are wrong with these people? Please explain to me why five little Bible verses make it so someone can not help in the mission of spreading the gospel and caring for the poor, homeless, hungry, orphaned, and widowed? Don't we want more people that are willing to take on the evils in this world and help those oppressed? I just don't get it. I don't see how being gay is any different from being straight. When are people going to get that you can't just pick five little Bible verses and interrupt them to keep away something you fear?

Okay, enough about my opinion.

Nothing too exciting in Green Bay. It's raining today. I'm trying to save money, so I'm pretty bored right now. Erik has a church meeting tonight, so I'm on my own. Green Bay is so small and conservative. Cedar Rapids seemed bigger and much more liberal.

I got a second job at a daycare. Friday is my first day. It's just a trial day, but the people seemed very comfortable to work with. I was thinking of applying to the Halloween Store since it's across my parking lot. I suppose I could still do that. I have lots of free time and haven't made any friends...of course I've only been here less then a month and I only have to work 16 hours a week at church.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Farve Flops and ELCA Okays Gays

I'm mad a Brett Farve. I'm mad because his two minute playing debut for the Minnesota Vikings overshadowed any real news in the world.

What is real news it the ELCA's vote to recognize gay marriage, homosexual relationships, and allow those in committed homosexual relationships to be ordained clergy and rostered lay leaders.


Of course, it's all more complicated then that. Individual congregations have the decision whether or not they will call homosexuals. It is also rumoured many people are going to leave the ELCA for something more conservative. This is sad. Being new at my church, I do not know where my church stands. I'm excited to go to work on Monday to find out.

The "word alone" conservative thing angers me. It angers me that homosexuals are accused of being sinners for something they were born with. Sexuality is part of who we are and something God created us to have. It's not a sin. It's mentioned in all but 5 Bible verses and likely these verses were trying to keep new Christians from worshipping Greek Gods and joining cults, or are used in the Old Testament as part of a holy code.

But is you still want to believe it's a sin and sinful people can't be leaders of the church. Well then after you take the plank out of your own eye, I ask if you can name anyone in the Bible (besides Jesus) that was sinless. I applaud you if you can, because I currently can not, (and if they were sinless, they were in a shitty situation when God called them.) God uses us (and we tend to be sinful) to spread the gospel. God calls those who are not perfect. Thinks about it. Noah got drunk, Moses couldn't speak in public, Jonah ran away from God, Rahab was a prostitute, Ruth uncovered Boaz' "feet", David was an adulterer, Paul prosecuted Christians, and Peter (the Rock upon which the church was built) denied Christ THREE TIMES!

During the assembly a tornado hit the convention center. There have been comments about this being the wrath or warning of God. I'm sorry, but I find that to be silly. I think if God didn't want this to happen, it wouldn't have passed. Many people prayed that the church would make the right decision and I believe the vote answered their prayers.

I think God would be happy to have more people do His work and serve him, regardless of sexual orientation.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Life in Green Bay

Life isn't too exciting here. It's not that boring either. I do need to get another job because I have way too much free time and then I think I have to go shopping.

Thursday night Matt came to visit. Erik, Matt, and I went to church at Erik's church. Now Erik's church knows he has a girlfriend. No big drama there. His pastor seemed pleased that I was working for Grace and was interesting in the church, etc. Friday we went to the NEW Zoo and saw all the animals. Erik's pretty cute at the zoo. He's like a little kid. It rained, so the giraffes refused to be fed. Saturday Erik worked, so Matt and I went to the Farmer's Market and I bought some corn and some beautiful flowers for $6. I think all Saturdays will be Farmer's Market Saturdays. That night Matt and Erik went to the Packer's pre-season game. I stayed at home and knitted while watching the game on TV.

Sunday Erik and I made homemade Ravioli. We had watched a cooking show on PBS so Erik decided we could do this as well. It turned out pretty well. Our Raviolis were huge! But everything tasted well. With all our success at homemade pasta, I made noodles for soup Monday night. Erik didn't listen to me and ended up putting the whole pound of noodles I made into the soup soaking up all the broth.

Tuesday I met Erik for lunch at Mandarin Garden and I helped him pick out shoes at DSW. He had to help with youth thing, so I was Erik-less for the night.

Which brings us to today. I've worked most of the morning trying to make decisions about classrooms and supplies, curriculum, and Bibles. I wore the wrong shoes today because I've been up and down the stairs ways too many times.

In the meantime I've been busy with my hobbies and I started running again. It's frustrating because I'm so slow and out of shape. I went to the JoAnn Fabric store which is huge!! I got some yarn for Christmas projects. I've complete a pair of mittens and a hat.

The new Brett Favre Saga has been the headlines on the news all day yesterday and today. Minnesota doesn't like him, so I don't know why he did it. Yes, he wants to play, but I wonder if the team will be behind him. Plus they are paying him a lot of money...I guess that will set them a few years back from that new stadium. He just looked so sad during the press which they interrupted the world news for the whole 30 minutes. And yes, this was discussed at the staff meeting this morning.

Welcome to Green Bay.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Did you know Broccoli and Cheddar Soup at Panera taste 100 times better in Green Bay, WI then anywhere else I've had it. Same for the Asiago Cheese bagels. I think it's because of all the happy Wisconsin Dairy cows.

My first days of work went well. Nothing too demanding yet. I did have to pick out two office chairs. There is an interior committee or something, so this woman had picked out chairs she thought might work. I liked them, but they seemed more like living room chairs. I ended up getting two off-white wing back chairs with cherry legs. They just seemed like office furniture.

I have unpacked everything!! I have one shelf left to put up and decorate, but I'm kind of holding out. I'm so glad I bought that power drill a couple years ago. It was so handy in putting all my furniture together. Another woman from the church donated a couch. Erik and I went to pick it up. It didn't go with my living room so I bought two really cheap chocolate brown sheets at Wal-Mart and covered it up.

Matt is suppose to come tonight, so Erik will have someone to play with other then me this weekend. Come September I'm going to join the Curling Club and maybe take a yoga class or something. I'm also planning on looking for a second job, so I'll be able to meet people that way. My friend Jeremy from college lives in Green Bay. I'll have to give him a call soon.

I'm having difficulty getting facebook to work right now....very frustrating.

Monday, August 10, 2009

New Job

Today I started my new job...which was actually just touring the church and having a meeting with both pastors.  For as nervous as I was, it wasn't that stressful.  I'm going to be fine.

In the meantime I've slowly been unpacking.  Slowly being the key word.  I'm almost done.  I still have lots to do.  I really haven't been up to much.  My parents drove up to move me in and that was a headache.  My dad can be such an ass sometime.  I somehow managed to forget all my coats at I guess I will be making a trip back sooner then I thought.  Timothy wants me to come home and watch the marching band.

It's kind of odd driving around town.  It seems that no matter where I go, I see Lambeau Field.  It's like I live in Mecca or something. Packer fans from all the over world come here.  This week is training camp, so everywhere you go there is some out of towner who came up to watch practice.  I have yet to go.

Things with Erik have been awesome.  It was odd staying with him last week.  It felt like I was playing house.  Well, time to leave Panera and go home and assemble more furniture.

Friday, August 7, 2009


I found an apartment! Actually, I found an apartment on Tuesday and even signed my lease. I now live in Green Bay by the Bay Park Mall near Barnes and Noble...convenient, yet dangerous. It's kind of far from work, and a little bit more then my budget allowed, but the location is good and it's the type of place that visitors can easily get to. I also have a dishwasher, garage, balcony, and TWO walk-in closets.

Today my mom and I got the Uhaul and so far this afternoon Timothy and I have been loading it up. We have most of my bedroom empty and the basement empty. Everything is just sitting on the porch waiting to be loaded up Tetris style. He's actually a pretty big help. I remember when we used to make fun of him being a wimp, but all that lugging band gear up and down the basements stairs has paid off. I think he's just excited to get his basement back. The band has been practicing around my stuff.

Tomorrow we head up to Green Bay to unload. It's going to be a long weekend. Then on Monday I start my first day of work. I'm pretty nervous. I have to keep reminding myself that God has chosen me for this position and God wouldn't give me something I couldn't do (that's not to say he wouldn't challenge me; he knows I need a challenge).

I don't think we're going to get to do too many things in Green Bay since my family is only there one day and most of the day will be spent moving. Erik has to preach this weekend and well, now that he's an intern pastor, he can't really skip worship and help out. It's kind of odd thinking of him as a pastor. I mean, my boyfriend is going to be a Pastor and I'm a Parish Educator. God is certainly funny.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Hunt Continues

I've looked at over 5 apartments today and have yet to decide which one feels like home.  I'm kind of leaning towards one in Howard, which isn't Green Bay, but very close.  I also found one that I really liked near where Erik lives and right behind the Barnes and Noble and across from the Mall.  It was the most expense, but had a garage, balcony, and TWO walk-in closets!!!  I think it had free heat and the first month was free so it probably evens out.

I found a coffee shop.  It's actually in the Goodwill, so all the money goes toward Goodwill and helping people.  Yipee!  I love helping people.  I also like cookies and chia lattes.  I'm doing everything in my power not to go into the actual store part and buy anything, because part of me is really leaning towards that more expensive apartment.  I could save $100 a month living somewhere not as nice, but after that whole scary guy showing up to my parents house thing, I don't want to live somewhere to Ghetto.

Erik's Duplex is really nice.  He has lots of space and not a lot of stuff.  Him and Andy bought a ping-pong table this past weekend so last night we played some ping-pong.  I had to remind myself that the object is not to hit the ball as hard as possible.

I've pretty much learned my way around West Green Bay.  It's not that big.  It seems smaller then Cedar Rapids, but I haven't been anywhere in East Green Bay.  I've been told that is the rougher side of town.  This is also the side I will work in, but I will be right across the river.  I'm sad I won't find something within biking distance or walking distance.

Well, I'm running out of thoughts to kill time.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Great Hunt

Tomorrow I will be off on another adventure and chapter of my life. I am heading to Green Bay, WI to find an apartment. I spent my afternoon calling places looking for an apartment that was open this month. Such is my luck, none of the places I was dreaming about had anything. Oh well, I will just have to look at apartments that are not as nice, but a lot cheaper.

I am excited to go to Green Bay and explore a new town. I am excited to meet new people, as well as a little nervous. I know two people in Green Bay and one in Appleton. I'm really going to have to put myself out there. Thankfully I am getting better at meeting people and being independent in general. Whatever happens, I am going where God is leading me.