Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Each week I teach a lesson based on a text from the lectionary. This week I picked Genesis 2:18-24. I decided this was better then Jesus' teaching on divorce or let the little child come to me (perfect for Sunday School). The best part was that I could talk about Hebrew and fun Old Testament. The downer, marriage.

It was actually pretty fun, besides the whole technical problems I had and my nervousness about the Pastor sitting in on my lesson. The kids had some good ideas and questions. The bottom line is, they learned that men and women are equal partners and we were made for companionship.

I'm actually loving this teaching thing. I have the freedom to teach what I want, and at the same time, I'm keeping in mind my goals. After every night I drive home thinking about what I did that went well, and what could have went better. How do I get kids to talk? How do I get adults to talk?

In the meantime, how do I keep everyone off my back about the whole marriage thing. I went home last weekend and both my grandma and my mother asked when I'm going to marry Erik. Like I know! Then they told me how I'll regret not getting married and having children (at this I quoted Paul-HA!). Then as I was planning this lesson, it seemed even God was on my case this week. And just when I thought I was in the clear, Facebook told me that this year I will get married. Hmmm.

I don't mind the idea of marriage. I think it can be a positive thing, but I really think we need to lift up those who are single and chose to be single. I think people need to take the pressure off me. They need to give up the idea that if I get married there will be a big wedding and lots of babies. Not going to happen (try extremely small private ceremony or eloping at the court house).

So that is my two cents. I love Erik very much, and I could see him being a great partner, but I think now it the time to get to know each other (especially while we live in the same town).

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