Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Each week I teach a lesson based on a text from the lectionary. This week I picked Genesis 2:18-24. I decided this was better then Jesus' teaching on divorce or let the little child come to me (perfect for Sunday School). The best part was that I could talk about Hebrew and fun Old Testament. The downer, marriage.

It was actually pretty fun, besides the whole technical problems I had and my nervousness about the Pastor sitting in on my lesson. The kids had some good ideas and questions. The bottom line is, they learned that men and women are equal partners and we were made for companionship.

I'm actually loving this teaching thing. I have the freedom to teach what I want, and at the same time, I'm keeping in mind my goals. After every night I drive home thinking about what I did that went well, and what could have went better. How do I get kids to talk? How do I get adults to talk?

In the meantime, how do I keep everyone off my back about the whole marriage thing. I went home last weekend and both my grandma and my mother asked when I'm going to marry Erik. Like I know! Then they told me how I'll regret not getting married and having children (at this I quoted Paul-HA!). Then as I was planning this lesson, it seemed even God was on my case this week. And just when I thought I was in the clear, Facebook told me that this year I will get married. Hmmm.

I don't mind the idea of marriage. I think it can be a positive thing, but I really think we need to lift up those who are single and chose to be single. I think people need to take the pressure off me. They need to give up the idea that if I get married there will be a big wedding and lots of babies. Not going to happen (try extremely small private ceremony or eloping at the court house).

So that is my two cents. I love Erik very much, and I could see him being a great partner, but I think now it the time to get to know each other (especially while we live in the same town).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Into the Great Wide Open

Tonight was my second night of teaching "confirmation." I think it went well. I wrote my lesson plan, I found a movie clip, and I even made a power point. I think I also stuttered less. Hurray for me!

In general, life is swell. I still need to make some friends, and get out there. I have an interview for a second job and I'm trying to get a hold of the Green Bay Curling Club to start curling.

Erik bought a new TV, so Sundays are 37" more HD fun. We both feel asleep during the second football game. I surprised him on Sunday by picking up Godfather's Pizza on my way over.

In the meantime, I'm thinking about life, making plans for the future, looking for a second job. I have an interview on Monday at Panera (could be fun). In the two years I want to go to Israel and run a marathon. I've also been thinking about becoming a missionary and spending a couple years in Africa. I feel the future is wide open.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Love Minus Zero –No Limit

Tonight was my first night teaching “confirmation.” I think I did okay. This Bob Dylan lyric comes to mind: “there is no success like failure, and failure is no success at all.”

I really felt like I was struggling tonight in my lesson, but the good thing is that I am aware of my struggles and what I need to know better. We learn from failure, and from that we become successful.

I think the struggle is going to be getting the kids talking and excited. Despite just wanting to get my lesson done and over with, I went home with a feeling of excitement for next week. I am excited to research and plan a lesson for the text next week. I am excited to improve. And therefore that makes me feel like I am in the right place.

Today I was feeling like such a failure. What have I accomplished? How do we measure one’s worth? Maybe I should have listened to my own lesson. I am teaching God’s word. That is what I am called to do…and this I should not doubt.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Bountiful Weekend

Yesterday Erik had a surprised for me. I had no idea what it was. I had ruled out movie because we had to be somewhere around 3:00 and there were no movies playing at that time. I thought maybe he was taking me to something at Lambeau Field, and then he drove past it saying “We’re not going there.” I was still confused when he pulled into the drive of our destination. The Spa! He took me to go get a couples’ massage at the spa. I was very surprise. When they ladies asked why we were there, he told them “Because she keeps wanting me to give her a massage.” Very thoughtful.

This morning I went to the Farmer’s Market, and you wouldn’t believe the bounty I got for around $10. Carrots, peaches, ½ dozen ears of corn, broccoli, tomatoes, honey, green beans, a green pepper, and an eggplant. I spent this morning getting it ready to freeze. I think I’m set for the winter. I have so many veggies in my freezer. I absolutely love the famer’s market. Whatever took me so long to go? It’s cheap and I get to support local farmers. I try to buy a little something from every stand and I’m starting to get to know each stand.

This weekend is Rally Sunday, for those non-Lutherans, this is where we kick off Sunday School. I think only the Lutheran Church calls it Rally Sunday. I don’t remember when I was little every having any big kick-off day. We are not doing anything too big, but having cookies, making crafts, and even having an out of season Easter Egg hunt to celebrate the Gospel. I hope it goes well. I’m also being installed at the Parish Educator, so I have to go to every service. It’s been a busy week, orientation, meetings, church…I don’t think I’ll get to hear Erik preach this week.

Tomorrow is the big first home regular season football game. I kid you not, I saw people tailgating today. Things are very festive around Lambeau. People are putting up tents and inflatables. Erik and I plan on eating frozen pizza and watching the game at my house, although my TV is about to go. I went to Best Buy to look for a new TV, but they are really expensive and all flat screens. I think we are going to make a trip to the Pawn Shop this week.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How to feed 5,000 or 4

One of my most favorite things to do in the whole wide world is to throw a party. I love to feed people. Any excuse to get in the kitchen and bake something makes my day. For Labor Day Erik and I had Grant and Kate over to his place. Grant is interning near Green Bay. Erik, of all people, was the one to go overboard on the food. I had made brownies, but Erik insisted that we get ice cream and an Oreo no-bake dessert. We also had brats, corn, watermelon, strawberries, and home-made mac’n’cheese. We were all stuffed. We didn’t even get to cutting open the watermelon. Not to mention Erik and I had bought some Shock Top, Spotted Cow, and Mike’s Hard Lemonade. It was a good time, even if the boys won at Trivial Pursuit.

In the meantime, I find myself suddenly stress about the 16 hours a week I work. I keep thinking I’m not working hard enough. Is this life in the church? There is so much more I could be doing. Rally Sunday is this Sunday and I don’t even think I planned anything cool. That’s right, I’m worried about being cool. I teach my first adult/confirmation class next Wednesday. I’m a bit nervous about that. Our curriculum has not come in. I’m sure it will be all right. I’m learning to trust.

Which should be a new paragraph…

Trust. Why is it so hard to trust God? You’d think I could trust the man (or more likely woman) that created me in my mother’s womb. But no, I constantly question how I found myself in this position. Even though I feel very comfortable at Grace, and love the people I’m surrounded with, I still wonder how did I of all people end up working at a church. I have an office in a church…and I’m dating an intern pastor.

I don’t think I’ll ever get over these things. I don’t think I’ll ever understand why I’ve been constantly drawn to the mysteries that surround religion and church buildings.
But see, this is why I need to trust.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Making Muffins in a Little Lutheran World

Erik asked me to make him muffins as a thank you for the quilters at Calvary. He was going to pass them off as his own, but during my Bible study it somehow came up that I was dating the intern at Calvary (or more so, the Intern at Calvary was dating a girl who worked at Grace). I told the women at Bible study that I was making the muffins for him, so now he can’t pretend they are his own.

Because I have learned it’s a Little Lutheran World After All.

To be fair to Erik, he did remember to bring me some bananas and he did stir the batter for the banana muffins.
And to be fair to me, I love baking. I would be happy in a bakery. I love feeding people -literally. So it’s no surprise that I made chocolate chip, oatmeal, and blueberry muffins as well. I hope they all turn out well. I am taking some to my staff meeting tomorrow.

In the meantime I’m constantly in prayer with God hoping for a successful year of Sunday school. I have a growing to do list and am constantly thinking about what I am planning. Who knew 16 hours a week could be soo much work?