Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snowed In

Crisis has reached my tiny apartment. I am down to two eggs, which makes baking hard. I think I have enough butter in the tub for a batch of sugar cookies. Otherwise today will be a day of knitting. So much for my idea of making homemade chicken and noodles for dinner.

I did make some homemade cinnamon rolls like my mom makes every year. I made them a little different from my mom, at least when it comes to shape. I think it's funny how as a little kid making Christmas Candy and cookies was such a process. Perhaps it was for my mom who doesn't really bake or cook, but for me it seems to take no time or talent at all to whip some yummy dessert up. I am blessed.

We have eleven inches of snow so far. There is a nice little pile on my porch I've considered making into a mini snowman. Nearly everything in Green Bay is closed. The city buses having even stopped running. I guess it's blowing pretty bad. I parked in the garage last night, so I don't have to dig out my car, but I'm betting there is some snow in front of my garage. Erik took my shovel out of my car during Thanksgiving Break so we would have more room in the trunk, so it is currently still in his garage.

My plan today is mostly to knit and watch movies/TV. I wish I had cable. I'm almost done with Erik's present, so then I can work on Timothy's birthday present or the prayer shawl I'm making. I wish Erik would have just took the day off and we could eat fudge all day and play Risk.

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