Wednesday, December 16, 2009


My new goal is to get out of bed by 7am regardless if I have anything to do. This will be difficult. Today I got up at 6am. I joined Erik for Bible Study at Denny's. Although I'm not too sure what we learned, but needless to say I enjoyed the company and conversation. We are reading about David and this is what I have learned: The story of David's Life is really long! It's alway full of war, no wonder I stopped reading the Bible when I got to 1 Samuel. Such is life.

I had a staff meeting this morning. I get to teach the world religions class for Confirmation!! I have lots of ideas. I'm also working on getting in touch with our contact for the New York Mission Trip. And I came up with an idea of doing something fun/educational for Family Night. And lastly, I'm looking into a fun night at the Green Bay Curling Club for the congregation.

After lunch and a quick trip to the post office, I went to the mall. After living in Minnesota for the last three years, this mall seems very tiny. Thankfully it has most of the stores I shop at, if I shop at the mall. I found some pretty amazing deals, but of course not what I was looking for. And lots of Packers stuff. If you need Packer stuff, let me know, I can get it for you. I might get Erik some Packer stuff. They had this $40 bucket with glasses for half-off. If they still have it after payday I will pick it up. I did find my dad something that's going to be a big surprise. All I can tell you is that it's purple.

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