My birthday this year was not as exciting as last year. It was kind of a downer. I guess that is what happens when you get older.
Friday night Kate and Grant came over for dinner and games. It was a lot of fun. They brought Crazy Llama wine and we played Euchre. Dinner was very yummy. Erik made Lasagna and I made minestrone soup.
For my actual birthday I got a couple phone calls and a couple cards. Erik gave me some flowers and a milkshake maker. He was attempting to make a joke because a few weeks ago I broke his blender while trying to make malts. His blender literally busted apart and was everywhere in the kitchen. I didn't the joke and have no idea what to do with the thing because he's the one that is obsessed with milkshakes, not me. We went for dinner in Appleton to one of those Japanese places that cook the food in front of you. I'd been to one before and enjoyed it. The guy wasn't as great of a cook as the guy I'd seen before, and for some reason I didn't enjoy the food. Too many mushrooms and onions. I think next year I'll just go out for pizza.
Sunday was good, I think. I tried to teach 1-4th graders about the Reformation, but during the children's sermon not one kid spoke up to say what today was. I got to be the reader in church, so that was fun. Romans 3 finally clicked for me. I know I had heard it a million times and taught on it, but I was yet to just read it and get it without completely breaking it down. Yipee! 20th times the charm.
So all in all that is my weekend. I wish I was in a better mood. I just feel kind of let down my life this week. Well, perhaps I should work.
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