Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bored and Unispired

I wish I could be more positive. Life isn't as bad as I feel it is sometimes. Something just seems missing...I know, friends! I am lonely. Curling does start this Thursday, so hopefully soon I will make some friends. Erik is going to be gone all weekend for a mini-mission trip. It's hard to watch him be so busy and not be a part of much of it. I wish I could go on the trip and visit Redeemer, but I have work and curling. He's gone some next week, and the following week he is in Israel.

So that means a lot of time to myself. I am trying to be happy and not bitter about life, but I tend to be a very bitter person. There is no confirmation this week, so I'm not very motivated. Ask me what I've done most of the day, and I'll tell you play on the Internet. Perhaps I'll go for a walk. I wonder if there are any nice parks around Green Bay.

Monday, October 26, 2009


My birthday this year was not as exciting as last year. It was kind of a downer. I guess that is what happens when you get older.

Friday night Kate and Grant came over for dinner and games. It was a lot of fun. They brought Crazy Llama wine and we played Euchre. Dinner was very yummy. Erik made Lasagna and I made minestrone soup.

For my actual birthday I got a couple phone calls and a couple cards. Erik gave me some flowers and a milkshake maker. He was attempting to make a joke because a few weeks ago I broke his blender while trying to make malts. His blender literally busted apart and was everywhere in the kitchen. I didn't the joke and have no idea what to do with the thing because he's the one that is obsessed with milkshakes, not me. We went for dinner in Appleton to one of those Japanese places that cook the food in front of you. I'd been to one before and enjoyed it. The guy wasn't as great of a cook as the guy I'd seen before, and for some reason I didn't enjoy the food. Too many mushrooms and onions. I think next year I'll just go out for pizza.

Sunday was good, I think. I tried to teach 1-4th graders about the Reformation, but during the children's sermon not one kid spoke up to say what today was. I got to be the reader in church, so that was fun. Romans 3 finally clicked for me. I know I had heard it a million times and taught on it, but I was yet to just read it and get it without completely breaking it down. Yipee! 20th times the charm.

So all in all that is my weekend. I wish I was in a better mood. I just feel kind of let down my life this week. Well, perhaps I should work.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time Flies...When you are getting old

It's really hard to remember to blog when you don't have Internet. Okay, lame excuse.

My birthday is coming up this weekend. Usually I make a big fuss about it the whole month, but with work and Erik kind of being my only close friend, there is no big gathering this year. Okay, that's not entirely true. Grant and Kate are coming over for dinner and probably games. It is nice to have another couple in the area.

So that is just one big event this weekend, my 28th? birthday. Tomorrow night is confirmation and we are going to learn a little bit about the Reformation. We are also going to do as Luther did and read Romans. We'll see how that goes. There are lots of hard words. I was torn between John and Romans, but Luther based his theology on Romans, so Romans wins.

I think for Sunday School there will be a little Reformation party. I wonder where I can find an old door? Me and my crazy ideas.

Last week was the Bible Class for Third Graders. It went well. The kids and parents were engaged. It was fun, and I really think they learned. I know they were very excited to get their bibles on Sunday.

So that is life in the church. I believe curling starts in two weeks. Hurray, I'll have friends. Oh, and I decided against Panera, after calling Anita to learn to make cheesy goodness (maybe we'll eat it for my birthday) I decided it wasn't a good idea. I think I will wait until after Christmas when I have no more obligations to find a job. I really like my flexible schedule, and with Christmas coming up, I need more time.

Well, time to go home and knit.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Yesterday I decided to fast. It wasn't that hard; I made it 24 hours. It's been awhile since I had done that, and it felt pretty good. I was actually able to focus more at work because I knew there was no sense in going home for lunch. I probably should fast more often. It's one thing to work with and for God's word, it's another to live it.

Today Erik and I went to Chili's for the 2 for 20 deal. We had nachos, ribs, burgers and fries, and a yummy chocolate chip cookie bar with ice cream all for $20.

I actually worked all day. I'm working on a three hour class that introduces third graders to the Bible. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing, but basically I'm running through the entire Old and New Testament giving an overview of the most important stories, then doing a little 45 minute session on actually using your Bible. I think that's the most important; how to find your Bible and make it your friend. Needless to say I spent a lot of time using the scanner today for an exciting presentation. I hope the kids have fun and remember it. If learning about the Bible is engaging, then I've been successful.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ordinary Time

Yesterday Erik and I went to Kate and Grant's for dinner in Seymour. Did you know Seymour is the home of the Hamburger? I did not until yesterday. We ate pizza, and I tried a Seymour Soda. It was pure sugar. I was getting a pretty good buzz from it. We also played Risk. Grant and I declared world peace. I love that game. I think it's because I have yet to win, yet I never get completely destroyed either. I love a challenge and having to figure stuff out.

This last week was the Packer's bye week, so that meant longer church services. My church had confirmation, so I decided I would swing over to Calvary for a shorter service (wrong- two baptisms) and Piggy Breakfast (Pancakes and Sausage).

This weekend I'm teaching the Third Grade Introduction to the Bible Class. What a mouthful! I have to give them an overview of the Bible in three hours and teach them how to use their bibles. I've been planning this for the last week or so. So far I've got the Old Testament and how to use your Bible part done. The real question: How much Jesus do you include? I hope it will be fun and memorable.

Confirmation this week will be more low key. We're going to read the Servant Song (Isaiah 53) and then play Jeopardy. I figure the servant song is pretty hard to swallow, so we wouldn't spend a lot of time on it. The important part is being aware of it.

In the meantime I got a part-time job at Panera. Not sure how I'm going to like it. So far all I've done is filled out paperwork toured the place. Panera has such a strict dress code. I'm not sure how I feel about that. While I doubt I will dye my hair pink or pierce my nose, I wonder why I can't paint my nails pink or red. So we will see. I do need a second job.

Erik's coming over soon (finally! ever since he got that huge TV he never leaves the house) and we're going to watch The Big Bang Theory.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy Birthday October!

It's really hard to blog when you don't have the Internet. Although that could be changing soon. I recently got hired at Panera, so I now have a second job. Yipee! The stress of my student loans is disappearing. Hopefully I will be able to save up some money. I really want to take a trip soon.

Confirmation is still going well. I can't believe I love something this much. You can not begin to believe the high I have after class. I go home and think about scripture the whole night. And this Wednesday, wow. I amazed myself. We were talking about Mark 10:17, the whole camel through the needle nothing is impossible with God thing. Well, you'd think the whole verse was about material possessions and giving to the poor, but would you believe that I decided that the whole point was about salvation. I know, I fed those kids the gospel. I felt like Emeril "BAM- Jesus died for you! That's what he means when he says with God it's possible."

I've decided I truly am in the right place and am a total biblical nerd. I love it because each week I am learning and being challenged, and I get to use my gifts. I really wonder what will com out of this job. While I love it, I've recognized it as a bridge to something else. A pastor? A youth director? A deaconess? A professor? I believe God only knows.

So I'm fired up for the weeks to come. I wish we had more then an hour. Oh the things we would do. Next week we are going to read the suffering servant from Isaiah. I don't know if I can find a clever song of movie, but I really think the kids should know this chapter. I mean, it was only last week in Bible study some elderly lady asked me where in the Old Testament it said Jesus would do all this dying and rising stuff.

Well, tonight is a board meeting. Next week I'm also teaching an intro to the Bible class for third graders. Any ideas out there? So far I think my props for the creation story already rock. Maybe I'll bring in Toby.